
The clock ticks, pencils are poised, and the papers rustle—it’s test day. For many students, this scenario is accompanied by a wave of anxiety. 但是不要害怕,父母们! You can play a pivotal role in helping your child manage these nerves, transforming test-day dread into a confident stride down the examination hall.



Did you know that the simple act of breathing could be a secret weapon against stress? Encourage your child to practice deep, slow breaths both before and during the test. 这不仅仅是一种让人感觉良好的运动——科学证明了这一点. 深呼吸可以激活身体的放松反应, slowing down the heart rate and lowering stress levels. It’s like hitting a mini reset button on their nervous system.


Encourage your child to try this quick breathing exercise, only taking 1-2 minutes:

  • 找一个安静的地方: Have your child sit or stand in a quiet, comfortable place.
  • 采取放松的姿势: Encourage them to relax their shoulders and place their hands comfortably in their lap or by their sides.
  • 慢慢吸气: Instruct them to slowly inhale through their nose, counting to four silently. 他们应该感觉到胸部和腹部随着空气膨胀.
  • 屏住呼吸: After inhaling, they should gently hold their breath for a count of four.
  • 慢慢地呼气: Have them slowly exhale through their mouth for another count of four, 感觉胸部和腹部下降.
  • 重复: Encourage them to repeat this cycle for one to two minutes.



The human mind is a powerful tool, and visualization leverages this power to combat test anxiety. By spending time visualizing a successful testing experience, your child can build confidence and mentally prepare for what lies ahead. 这种做法不仅仅是一厢情愿; it’s a proven technique employed by athletes and performers around the globe 提高他们的表现. 当你的孩子想象考试过程的每一步时, 从进入房间到完成测试, it tricks the brain into believing it has already navigated these scenarios. This familiarity helps alleviate the fear of the unknown, a common source of anxiety. 

  • 深呼吸: Combine this with the first tip, and start with a few deep breaths to relax.
  • 考试日形象化: Imagine waking up on the day of the exam, feeling prepared and calm.
  • 进入检查室: Visualize walking into the exam room confidently, finding a seat, and settling in.
  • 参加考试:打开试卷的图片, 清晰地阅读问题, 自信地回答问题. Imagine remaining focused, managing time well, and methodically working through each section.
  • 完成考试: End the visualization by handing in the exam, feeling a sense of achievement.



未知可能会让人害怕! Help your child become familiar with the test format and environment by simulating test conditions at home. This includes timing their practice sessions and creating a quiet, exam-like atmosphere. The more they practice under these conditions, the less intimidating the real thing will be.

  • 寻找练习考试:充分利用学校图书馆等资源, 在线教育平台, 以及官方考试网站. Many of these sources offer practice tests that closely mirror the actual exam format (check out our 免费模拟考试).
  • 创建自己的测试: If you’re struggling to find suitable practice exams, don’t hesitate to 创建你自己的. Use your child’s textbooks and study materials to craft questions. Mix and match different types of questions—multiple choice, 简短的回答, 和论文——涵盖广泛的主题.
  • 真实的测试环境设置一个模仿考场的安静空间. Ensure there are no distractions and maintain a strict time limit. This will acclimate your child to the testing environment and reduce the anxiety that comes with unfamiliar settings.



While studying is crucial, over-preparation can sometimes heighten anxiety. Encourage a balanced approach—combine study sessions with breaks, 体育活动, 还有休闲时间. It’s important for your child to understand that it’s okay to take breaks and that rest is a vital part of the learning process.


Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create a balanced study schedule:

  1. 评估学习负担: Sit down with your child and look over all the topics and materials that need to be covered. This helps in understanding the volume of study required and sets the stage for a realistic plan.
  2. 分配学习单元: Divide the study material into manageable chunks or topics. Allocate specific time blocks for each chunk, ensuring they are not too long to avoid fatigue.
  3. 把休息时间在学习过程中穿插一些短暂的休息时间 番茄汤技术. These can be 5-10 minutes of stretching, a walk, or even a snack break. The idea is to relax the mind before diving into the next topic.
  4. 休闲计划确保每天都有休闲时间. 无论是爱好, 游戏时间, 或者看最喜欢的节目, 休闲活动对保持心理平衡至关重要.
  5. 体育活动: Include at least one session of physical activity daily. It could be a sport, a dance session, yoga, or just a brisk walk. Exercise is not only good for physical health but also works wonders in reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity.
  6. 每周回顾和调整: At the end of each week, review the schedule with your child. Assess what’s working and what isn’t, and make adjustments as needed. This ensures the plan remains flexible and responsive to your child’s needs.
  7. 鼓励自我反省: Ask your child regularly how they feel about the study plan. 鼓励他们表达自己的意见和建议. This makes them feel involved and in control of their own learning process.

Remember, test-day nerves are normal, but they don’t have to be a roadblock to success. 通过整合这些策略, 你的孩子可以用一种平衡的心态来应对考试, 准备好展示他们的知识和技能. 鼓励他们接受这些做法, and watch as they transform anxiety into a stepping stone for achievement.

By 罗伯特Brundage
Robert is a tutor and Creative Content Manager at bat365. 休班的, 他喜欢和女儿一起傻乎乎地玩, 尝试新食谱, 和他的妻子和朋友一起玩棋盘游戏.

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